Friday, March 10, 2017

Reopen the Pine Barrens Trail Center.

Island Running is for hikers too.

Island Running has pledged full support in opening the Trail Center. We will share in manning the center and helping in any way we can. Island Running has pledged full support in opening the Trail Center. We will share in manning the center and helping in any way we can.

You can help:
Sign the Petition!

Runners and Hikers are invited to join the Island Running Club and serve on a trails committee. We currently work and hike the Paumanok Path, the Veterans Memorial Path and we are working on connector trails in Riverhead and Brookhaven.

LI Trails Committee, Join the Club

Monday, February 27, 2017

Paumanok Path Inventory Hikes, Southampton Section

Canceled due to weather! Check facebook and the LI Trails Blog for updates.    LI Trails on Facebook

We are organizing and scheduling new hikes. What day of the week works best for you?

This hike planned for March 1st is canceled because of rain and high winds. A new schedule will be announced.

This Wednesday and following Wednesday's we are planning inventory hikes on the Southampton section of the Paumanok Path. The purpose of these hikes is to check the conditions of the trail, signage and accuracy of the maps so that anyone can hike this trail. Most of the weekly hikes are about 8 miles long. You don't have to have all the qualities listed below. Anyone can join us.
need map techy people
need observant people
need people who have never walked this trail
10 am @ Sarnoff parking lot off 104 (just south of 105 intersection)
The David Sarnoff Preserve, DEC parking area in Riverhead has a newly leveled dirt lot on the west side of C.R. 104 midway between the intersections of C.R. 105 to the north, and C.R. 31 to the south.  From the Riverhead circle, take C.R. 104 south approximately 2.5 miles.  From Sunrise Highway take Exit 63 (C.R. 31 North) to C.R. 104 North. Short distance to entrance on left
We'll meet at the end of the hike and we'll car pool to the start of each hike, so that we'll have cars on each end.
Post a comment on our facebook page if you'd like to join us: LI Trails on Facebook

It is 54 miles, broken up into 7 sections, average 8 miles each:

3-The “Bald Hill” parking area is on the north side of C.R. 51 opposite Old Moriches Riverhead Rd. approximately a half mile south of the intersection with Speonk-Riverhead Rd. (the turnoff to Suffolk County Community College). Look for a roadside sign green with the white silhouette of a hiker, several hundred feet before the trailhead. 
4-Suffolk County Community College, Riverhead, Parking Field #1 (closed Sundays). From Sunrise Hwy. exit 61, travel north on C.R. 51 (Moriches Riverhead Rd.). Turn right onto Speonk-Riverhead Rd, and then right into the campus. Make the first left, and then the first right into Parking Field #1. The access trail is near the northeast corner of the parking lot. Follow the yellow-blazed trail to the Paumanok Path. The triple yellow blazes mark the end of the access trail. If you turn right, the trail runs in an easterly direction, through the Sarnoff State Preserve; or turn left at the trail junction and follow the Paumanok Path across C.R. 51, to Peconic Hills County Park.
5-To get to Pleasure Drive in Flanders from Sunrise Highway: take Exit 64, C.R. 104 North; make an immediate right onto Pleasure Drive. After 100 yards the road expands into a parking area with a guardrail. Be careful not to block the nearby driveway.
From CR 24 the Flanders Presbyterian Church on CR 24 (Flanders Road) is immediately east of the Pleasure Drive / Flanders Road intersection. Drive south on Pleasure Drive until the road takes a sharp curve to the right (immediately after crossing power lines), and turn left into a small parking area with guardrail. Be careful not to block driveway.

6-Red Creek Park is located off Jackson Ave in Hampton Bays: From Sunrise Highway “Exit 65N, 24 North, Riverhead”.  Travel north on CR 24 a couple hundred yards.  You will see several signs before you bear right onto the turn lane for Old Riverhead Road West.  Look for “State Police”, “Town of Southampton Jackson Ave. Offices”, and “Town Police”.  Turn right onto Old Riverhead Road, pass the entrance to Southampton Town Police, and make the next left into the park.  Where you turn into the park there is a blue and white sign: “Town of Southampton Red Creek Park”.  Once on the road into the park, continue past the picnic areas and enter the last parking field to the right of the flagpole.  Park by the small brown and yellow Southampton Town Trails sign erected between a basketball court and a baseball diamond.  Two hundred feet north along a fence is where the trail begins.  There are diamond shaped yellow STPS owl blazes to mark the access trail to the Paumanok Path (about 1 mile north).  There are pay phones and restrooms near the parking area.
7-Kurt Billing Preserve, Southampton. From C.R. 39, head north at the Magee Street traffic light. Turn right at the stop sign (Tuckahoe School on your right) onto Sebonac Road. Trailhead parking is on the left, approximately 0.2 mile from Magee Street.
8-From Montauk Highway bear left onto Sandy Hollow Road (CR-52). Turn left onto N Sea Road (CR-38). Turn right onto Marys Lane.  Bear left onto Majors Path.  After passing Cove Neck Lane arrive at 1370 Majors Path Southampton, NY 11968.  Follow road in, park in field to right, by recreation building.
9-From Montauk Highway, 2.9 miles after the left turn, a slight left onto Hayground Road. Travel 1 mile. Slight right onto Scuttle Hole Road. Travel 0.9 miles, passing through a round-about. Slight left onto Millstone Road. Travel approximately 2 miles.  Look for the old entrance to Golf on the Bridge.  Park on the east (right) side of the road.
10-Route 114 and Edwards Hole Road in Wainscott. Head north on Stephen Hands Path, veer left onto Buckskill Road, to Route 114.  Follow Route 114 north; approximately one mile after passing Whooping Hollow Lane find a formal parking area and kiosk on the right side of the road.